We open tomorrow for our regular season ( a week earlier than last year). We will have excellent picking for Ginger Gold, Sansa, Gala and McIntosh. Hours are 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM daily except closed Mondays as usual (including Labor day Sept. 7).
Many of the Zestars were picked during our early apple weekend, but we picked those that remained Sunday evening and put them in our cold storage so they would not get too ripe with the hot weather. For those of you who missed out on early apple weekend (or need some more Zestars), we will be offering picked pecks this weekend for a “75’th Anniversary Special” at $10.00.
We plan additional “75’th anniversary specials” on future weekends. In addition we are cooperating with RK Miles who are also celebrating 75 years in the Northshire – stay tuned for details.
Weather (especially Friday and Saturday) is going to be cooler than this week – we will have cider all week and donuts Sat & Sun only – come early to be sure that the donuts have not run out.
Look forward to seeing you!!