Really good turn out last weekend.  Honeycrisps were pretty much picked out on Saturday.

Picking will start for Crimson Crisps – one of our favorite late season apples – sweet tart flavor improves in storage – keeps until March or April in your refrigerator.  Because of the freeze, only a moderate number of Crimson Crisps are out there.

Still good Macintosh on the 83 year old trees uphill near the fence.  Some Galas near the barn and Macouns in the last three rows at the bottom of the hill.

We have resupplied our cider from Dutton’s and syrup from Havoc Hill Sugarhouse. Plus the donut crew will be cranking out more donuts.  Come help us celebrate our next to last weekend.

Photo shows some of those bright red Crimson Crisps